Did anyone else notice that the Benefits Review Board went on a tear in January and February 2014 with respect to Longshore attorney fee decisions? See below:
And finally, the Sallyport Global Services claims, all of which are interrelated:
Kadim v. Sallyport Global Servs., BRB No. 13-0346 (Feb. 12, 2014) (same);
Al-Maliki v. Sallyport Global Servs., BRB No. 13-0343 (Feb. 18, 2014) (same);
Ali v. Sallyport Global Servs., BRB No. 13-0344 (Feb. 18, 2014) (same);
Younis v. Sallyport Global Servs., BRB No.13-0349 (Feb. 20, 2014) (same);
Yaseen v. Sallyport Global Servs., BRB No. 13-0345 (Feb. 27, 2014) (same); and
Shamkhi v. Sallyport Global Servs., BRB No. 13-0350 (Feb. 28, 2014) (same).
(Note: I originally published this post on Navigable Waters: A Maritime, Longshore and Defense Base Act Blog.)