Beginning on October 1, 2015, the following wage/compensation rates will apply in claims arising under the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act and its extensions.
National Average Weekly Wage: $703.00
Maximum Compensation Rate: $1,406.00
Minimum Compensation Rate: $351.50
Percent Increase (from last year): 2.10%
Visit the Division of Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation’s NAWW Information Page for more information or to see past NAWW figures. Also, please keep in mind that the change in the National Average Weekly Wage applies to Defense Base Act claims too. Contact your attorney if you have any questions about the application of this change to your claim.
Finally, if you need legal assistance with your Longshore or Defense Base Act claim, please contact Jon Robinson of Strongpoint Law Firm at (844) DBA-COMP or [email protected].
Attribution: Photo courtesy of Flickr User Ervins Strauhmanls.