Today’s post discusses different methods employed by the Department of Labor’s Division of Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation (“DLHWC”) for the calculation of death benefits between a surviving spouse and a surviving child when the total weekly amount owed for compensation is capped at the applicable maximum compensation rate. This topic is best analyzed with a hypothetical, so here are our facts: (1) Decedent’s average weekly wage at the time of death was $2,500. (2) The maximum compensation rate in effect at the time of death was $1,325.18. (3) Decedent is survived by a spouse and a child. (4) Decedent’s spouse is not the mother of the child; and the child resides with his mother. When a Longshore or Defense Base Act employee is killed in a work-related injury, his beneficiaries are most likely entitled to death benefits. The calculation of death benefits is controlled by Section 9 of theRead more